Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Dive Trip – Portimão, Algarve, Portugal – 19th – 26th August 2017

Waves Shape

Dear All,

I’ll be doing a short presentation on the planned trip to Portugal on Tuesday 1st November at 7:30pm, there is still plenty of space available, and lots of time between now and then to get qualified.

I’ve reserved a RIB for 12 divers, but the Dive Centre in Portimao have capacity on other RIB’s and Hard Boats for up to 56 divers per day, if we need them!

Divers confirmed up to now are:

Nick Kenyon
Susannah Robinson
Alex Wardle
Mandi Wardle
Nigel Kaye
Paul Richardson
Mick Gwilliam
James Kenyon (Qualification Dependant)
William Leach (TBC)

Family also Attending but not diving:

Samantha Kenyon
Laura Kenyon (TBC)
Jane Gwilliam

I’ll let everyone know about deposits, I hear back from the Dive Centre.

Kind regards


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