Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Tuesday 19 July – Kit night

Waves Shape

As next Tuesday is the 3rd Tuesday of the month, it is one of our regular kit nights.

This month’s topics are fins and weight systems. Can I ask that members bring along their fins and weight systems to the club room tonight and be prepared to talk to other members about the good and bad points, why they bought it, whether they would buy it again, etc.

Fins – hopefully we can get a decent range and debate the merits of split/hinged/long/short designs, and look at different fixing systems. (Post Farnes, we can also review the relative attraction of different colours to seals!)

Weight systems – examples of belts, pouches, harnesses, integrated systems and ankle weights – obviously do not bring all the lead!

Meet towards the back of the room, 7:30 – 8:30. There is absolutely no structure to the event (no presentation) – please just mingle and chat.


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