Greetings All – we are scheduled to hold a kit night on 16th August. I’m going to hijack this event and instead run through trip ideas for 2017.
Typically trip organisation at the club is somewhat haphazard where a member decides they’d like to dive a particular place/country/wreck then starts drumming up interest. This year we are going to try to be more deliberate and let members fully influence the 2017 diving programme. The plan is to list a number of ideas along with dates. Please try to come up with your own ideas and put them forward.
We are looking to plan at least 6 trips between April and October, with Farnes currently scheduled for July 15-16 (Iona will circulate details on that later this year). Here’s a few ideas to start you thinking:
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PLEASE note – these are only suggestions – please dust off old copies of SCUBA and have a look over articles for ideas.
Rob Mason