Hi All
A quiet week for training this week, however that does mean there is quite a bit of space in the pool for those wanting to practice, test new equipment ect. Just let me know if you want a space.
For those who are training remember to get your lessons signed of either online or via your QRB, preferably both. This is the only permeant record of what training you have completed
So on with the plan
In the pool
Jarvis Critchley
Michael Booth – OS2 Gemma Kitchen
Aaron Strong – OS5 Chris Newsam
In the room
Eliane Fennell – OT6 Ann Bailey
Scott Brewster – SD theory Test
Bryan Rutter – ST5 Nigel Kaye
Rhiana Boid – ST1 Tim Gledhill
Allison Russell – ST4 David Patchett
As always please let me know if you can’t make it.
Have a great weekend one and all