Hi All
Sorry about the late appearance of this week’s training plan, it has simply being one of those weeks.
Just a reminder for next week. It is the trip planning meeting so there will be no training. But we need ideas for next years trips so make sure you come along with your ideas and we can have a cracking year diving next year.
Not a great deal going on in the pool this week so plenty of room for those that are wanting to practise their skills or test new equipment, just let me know if you want a space.
Just one other thing
Please remember to get your lessons signed off.
In the pool
Shaun Collins
Lucas Collins- OS1 David Patchett
In the room
Jack Sanderson
Donna Nixon
Will Ward
Aaron Strong
Tom Markey. – ST2 pt 2 Chris Newsam
Michael Booth – OD theory test Nigel Kaye
Steve Devoy & Son – OT0 Den Netherwood
If anyone wants to practice kit assembly just see one of the equipment officers who will be happy to help
See you all on Tuesday