Well believe it or not we have arrived at the last training plan of 2024 but we are finishing the year strong.
Still much to do though and our hard working instructors are as busy as ever. The pool is quiet-ish this week so if anyone wants the last practice of the year there is still some room, just let me know
And for the final time this year, here it comes
Please remember to get your lessons signed of
In the pool
Rachel Field – Try dive Ezra Morris
Rhys Francis – Try dive Charles Austin
Elisa Strong
Seb Thornton – OS1/2 David Patchett
In the room
Aaron Strong
Tom Markey – ST4 Rob Mason, Mick MacPhearson shadowing
Nick Thornton ST2 part 2 CPR/AED Tim Gledhill
Jarvis Critchley – OT6 Gemma Kitchen
Steve Devoy
Anton Johnson -ST3 Chris Newsam
As always if you can’t make it for any reason please let me know either by replying to this mail or text me on 07827 500148
Just a reminder before I sign off for 2024 the AGM is in six weeks time and although we have some volunteers there is still time to put your name forward for a committee position, so come on give it a go and be part of it. Nominations have to be in by the 9th January 2025
I hope to see you all on Tuesday, but if not all that remains is to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
It’s a wrap, see you in the new year.