Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training Plan 4th Feb 2025

Waves Shape

Hi All

After a short break normal service resumes

A busy week, but most of the work is going on in the room so there a quite a bit of space in the pool for practice, testing new or just serviced equipment etc. If you want a space just let me know..

Also can we keep in mind not to arrive too early 7.20pm at the earliest so as not to cause any upset. Many thanks for your cooperation.

Anyway on with the plan

In the pool

Michael Durbin – OS2 Tim Gledhill

Seb Thornton
Lucas Colins – OS4 Gemma Kitchen

Lieyton Devoy – Try Dive Charles Austin

In the room

Anton Johnson
Paul Hatchman
Steve Devoy
Nick Thornton – ST4/2 Paul Tarn

Shaun Colins – OT5 Dave Corbett

Jamie Russell OT1 Deborah Beckley

Jack Sanderson – Dry suit theory Nigel Kaye

Seth Newsam – SD theory test Ann Bailey

Eliza Strong – OT4 Ezra Morris

That’s all for this week- Remember if you want to practice setting up equipment the cage team are ready and willing to supply the equipment and demonstrate. Just let me know

Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Tuesday


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