Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Barnsley BSAC Training Plan Tuesday 22nd October

Waves Shape

Hi all,

We have Graham Wiggins from AzDry coming on Tuesday to tell us about their range of dry-suits and I believe, offer some excellent deals to those looking for a new drysuit. Graham’s presentation will start as close to 7.30 as can be arranged and will continue to about 8.15pm. This presentation is, of course open to all members and it’s great if we can get a good attendance so please come along to learn more about drysuits and what AzDry has to offer.
In view of the presentation, there will be no theory training this week (apart from Aaron, the new recruit) but pool training as usual, hopefully with a bit of a staggered start .

The following is a stab at a training plan as I haven’t had any feedback about last week so can’t be sure if last week went to plan!! To make things easier, I have mostly continued pool training on directly from last week. However, if any of the instructors named below are keen to stay with the AzDry presentation to the end …when it might get round to prices etc… we have Dave C and possibly Charles free to step in but please let me know before Tuesday so I can forewarn them to bring in kit.

So, to the plan for this week:

We have two PADI divers, Bev and Neil coming in for a refresher, Suze will look after them and Tim will be doing a try-dive with a friend he is introducing to the club. I will do the paperwork for all of these quietly in the corner (or perhaps on the balcony, if available) during the presentation then I suggest they go down to get kitted up soon after 8pm

I will then be signing up Aaron and pass him over to Chris N to do OT0 (It’s on the new club laptop, Chris), the swim test and snorkelling.

All the following can then go down to poolside for 8.15 onwards:

Sammy continue with Colleen

David P continue with Martin and Will

Nigel with Abbie…getting prepared for open water at the weekend….practice mask clearing and reg recovery with hood and gloves from the cage.

Alexis continue with Tony

I think that will be enough in the pool so I suggest after the presentation Rob talks to Humphrey, Selina, Dylan and Andy about how their first open water stuff went and prepares them for their final open water dives possibly next weekend with Tim and either Pam or Paul Tarn (If you’re there on Tuesday Paul/Pam perhaps you can join in with this?)

Finally please can all those in the pool note the equipment officers will be banging loudly on the pool steps at 9.15pm to signal it’s time to finish what you are doing and get out. Please aim to be out of the water and de-kitted by 9.30 so the EOs have time to pack up and put everything away before the BPL staff start to complain! Thanks.

See you Tuesday,


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