Wave Shape
Wave Shape

25th July Training

Waves Shape
Hello All,
We have some spaces in the pool again this week, please email me if you
wish to go in, then we can let the cage team know.
As always, sorry for the lateness, but if you are unable to attend then
please let me know

*Instructors not available*
Tim Gledhill
Chris Newsam
Charles Austin
Sammy Norton
Paul Tarn
Pam Tarn
Clare Pettinger

*Pool Training *
Steve Dearman – Scott Young = Trydive
Nigel Kaye – Scott Young (friend) = TryDive
Alexis Moreno – Alan Rimmington & Alex Hollingworth = OS2

Dave Corbett – Stuart Hatley = OT5
Ann Bailey – Tom Markey & Jacob Lettice = OT3

*Spare instructors*
Gemma Kitchen
David Patchett

*Pool training*
Daniel Stephenson – Pool
Chris Newsam – Pool
Seth Newsam – pool

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