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Wave Shape

Trip Update – Anglesey – 13/14 Oct

Waves Shape

Hi All – I’ve not communicated the October Anglesey trip particularly well. So, as an update, I’ve now booked one RHIB with an option on a second, so there’s plenty of space for everyone! Realistic upper limit will be 14.

Diving is within 10 mins of launch and offers seal diving at Puffin Island plus drifts in the Menai Straits.

The cost is £120 for diving (4 dives) and you will need to book your own accommodation in or near Beaumaris. A few of us are staying at the Castle Court Hotel – if you plan to stay there then book direct with the hotel for a slightly better deal.

£30 deposit payable to the Money Monkey secures your place!

So far, the following have indicated they are going (apologies if I’ve missed anyone):

Me! (Trip organiser)
Linda (deposit paid)
Suzey (deposit paid)
MickG (deposit paid)
Alex W

If you need anymore details then see MickG in the cage – he’s been before!



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