Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan Tuesday 31st July

Waves Shape

Hi all,

Just one try-dive this week, James Hughes. Paul R will look after him.

Suze will watch over Elliot taking the SD theory test and Chris will watch over Callum and Josh taking the OD theory test. I will bring all the necessary test papers and answer sheets but please could you all bring your own tables.

Rob will work with Matt and Ellie, probably OT6.

Hopefully Seamus’ back will be better this week so David will do Xover theory with him and then take him in the pool for a skills review.

We may have a visit from a new PADI OW diver, Adam Rowe, looking to start diving with the club. Please make him welcome and tell him how wonderful we are!!

I think that’s all but, as usual, if there’s something you want to achieve just let me know as there is spare instructor time.


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