Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training Plan Tuesday 12th June

Waves Shape

Hi all,

We have one, possibly two try-dives this week. Will Rob and Dave C be available in case Alisha (who is a swimming instructor for BPL, brings her step dad…who she says is also interested in a try-dive but she hasn’t confirmed whether he’s coming or not yet…sigh!)

Since Matt and Ellie will not be at club this week, David will work with Callum and Dean in the pool. An opportunity for Dean to help out and be informally assessed, as a new member of the club, by David. (Assuming Dean is available).

Chris (hoping his tooth is better) will continue with Josh. FYI Chris, Josh went in the pool with David last week.

Ann will look after Henry taking his OD theory test.

With the open water training coming up on the 23rd June, all OD trainees new to open water should come in and practice skills in hoods and gloves in preparation. There will be plenty of space in the pool this week Dan and Henry and I will bring some hoods and gloves.

See y’all Tuesday,


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