Hi all – Huge apologies for the lateness of this training plan. I am in the wilds of Shropshire and cannot get my email to work. This is why you are receiving this email from my friend’s account. Sorry for any confusion.
So, to the plan….
We have a presentation this week from jason gregory, a professional underwater photographer who will be telling us all about Loch Diving in Scotland and illustrating his talk with his wonderful photos of the wildlife to be found there. The presentation will start at 7.35 pm promptly and finish around 8.15pm….although Jason will be available after this to answer questions from people who are not moving into training. Please note that the presentation will be taking place in the presentation space at the back of the Rigby bar on the left.
After the presentation there will be time for some training and, thanks to Linda who will be manning the cage, we can get some pool work done.
Tim will continue drysuit training with Steve, Shaz and Adam as necessary.
Richard and Chris S will be working with Dylan and Ruby on completing OS5
Dave K will work with Mate on OS4 (Nigel can shadow this if he’s around…not sure when he’s off to Egypt)
Chris N will work with Dominik on OS2/3
David will work with Paul and Babs in the pool to complete OS2 and start OS3…I think
Sammy will complete OT2 with Armya and then work on Armya’s finning whilst snorkelling.
Trevor and I will not be there as we are away on the family holiday to the back of beyond. I hope you have a great evening.