Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan 6th June 2017

Waves Shape

Hi all,

This week we have a informal presentation from Graham, a diver who is blind and who has set all sorts of deep diving records despite his disability. It should be really interesting and inspirational and more of a chat than a presentation so please come armed with your questions to ask him. We’ll start this by 7.40pm at the latest, I’m not sure for how long he is going to talk but I imagine we can start training around 8.15pm. The cage will be open for kit after the presentation.

There’s quite a lot of training as usual. George Valianis (who came for a try-dive about 3 weeks ago) has emailed to say he wants to sign up and get started on training. As the presentation is fairly informal I think the signing up can happen quietly at the back of the room then Chris N can do OT1 with George and take him down to poolside to do his swim test and some snorkelling, if time.

Paul R will look after Paul Macauley and Stan Loftus having another go at the Ocean Diver theory test. I’ll bring in the relevant papers and answer sheets, Paul.

Dave P will start drysuit theory training with Simon. Don’t forget to bring in your drysuits! Perhaps Steve would like to sit in on this to see how BSAC do this.

Chris B will do DT1 with Sammy

Rob will do OT2 with Jack F and Jess if she wants to sit in. (FYI Jess, this is a theory lesson all about the diving kit).

Ann will go in the pool with Nichola

Tim will go in the pool with Daniel and Jack S

Dave C will go in the pool with Jake. Please will all OD trainees remember to bring in their qualification record and pool skills tick list so we can keep everything up to date. Thanks.

Another busy night. Please let me know if, for any reason you find you cannot make it to club. You can email me directly at to@s895383513.websitehome.co.uk . Thanks.

Hope everyone has a good weekend…we’re off camping, to pack the wellies or not pack the wellies, that is the question!


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