Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training Plan 4th June

Waves Shape

Hi all,

Our intrepid members will be back from the Summer Isles this week where it looks as though the diving was stunning! I know there are loads of great pictures from the trip…perhaps the photographers could load some pics on a memory stick and bring them in to share with everyone on our new laptop (thanks to Alex). I’m sure our trainees would love to see what they’ve got to look forward to once they get diving in the ocean!

So to the training plan:

Two try dives this week. Nigel will look after Colleen Wingrove and Alexis will look after Adam’s friend Morgan.

Chris N will be in the pool with Armya and hopefully be able to get him pool signed off.

Ann will be in the pool with Babs

Paul T will do the drysuit lesson in the pool with Lee and Dominik if he has appropriate dry-suits to loan to them. (Please can you let me know Paul).

Sammy and possibly Charles will be available to help with pool skills with hoods and gloves (for OD trainees) and DSMB deployment for anyone preparing for a sea trip. (I’ll bring a DSMB…perhaps you can bring one too Sammy?)

Tim will do OT3 with Rhys

David will do some revision and then the Ocean Diver theory test with Tony and Paul if he’s ready for it.


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