Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan 26th March

Waves Shape

Hi All,

Lots to do this week following all the recent disruption. As we’re getting close to the Open Water season we need to get on with drysuit training for those who want it so Tim will do the drysuit theory this week with Steve, Shaz, Adam and any other sports diver trainees who would like to do or refresh it. Those who take part, if you have a drysuit please bring it in as Tim will be able to advise how best to use yours.

We have two try-dives this week, Sammy will look after Lorraine Hirst and Alex will look after Anthony Wareing.

Ann will finish OT1 with Milli and Armya and then progress to the pool.

Richard and Dave K will work with Mate and Dominik in the pool…OS3 ish I think…please check.

Nigel will work with Mackenzie in the pool, with help from Angelina I hope…to do OS5

David will work with Paul and Babs in the pool…OS2ish I think…again, please check.

Chris S will do OT3 with Ruby and Dylan

Chris N will do OT6 with Jess and Giannis

Rob will do OT4 with Tony J

At the recent committee meeting, following recommendations from the equipment officers and some instructors, it was decided that in future only a theory OR a pool lesson should be carried out in an evening. This will help with continuity and allow for some degree of staggering the demand on the cage. Instructors with try-divers should aim to get down to poolside first, at around 8.00pm, Those heading for a pool lesson can aim for a little later i.e 8.10-8.15pm but this should still mean they’re in the pool for a full hour so, hopefully whole lessons can get signed off in one session at least sometimes. Finally, qualified divers could aim to access kit around 8.20-8.30 so, being quicker to get kitted up will still have plenty of time in the pool. Thank you for your cooperation with this.


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