Hi all from sunny Mallorca!
A huge amount of OD pool training this week to keep the pool free for fun night next week (31st). So please could as many instructors as possible bring their own kit to take a bit of pressure off the cage. Thanks We have two try-dives again this week, Rudy Stables and his Dad. Rob and Tim will look after these.Dave C will continue with Debbie and George in the pool.Steve (or Ann, if Steve is working) will continue with Oliver in the pool.Paul R will continue with Daniel and Henry in the pool….if Daniel and Henry are there early enough Chris B might be able to do half of OT3 first with you…it’s such a long lesson to do all in one evening.David P will do a pool review and sign off with Shaz.If Paul T is available he may be able to do ST6 with Sonny and again revise with anyone else who wants to. Perhaps Paul can confirm this…and Sonny, let me know if you are not going to be there.I think that’s about all. See everyone on Tuesday.Ann
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