Hi all,
Being the third Tuesday in the month it’s kit night this week and the subject is computers. So that trainees can make best use of the opportunity to talk to our more experienced divers about their kit, the committee have suggested that on kit nights theory training doesn’t start until 8pm at the earliest please.
So, to the plan.
Paul R will continue ST4 with Simon and should be at just about the right place for Kelly to join in too.
Chris B will continue with Paul, OT7 I think
Dave Corbett will be doing OT6 with Stan
I will do ST3 with Will and James and anyone else who wants to sit in to revise.
Dave P will continue OS2 with Jo in the pool
Chris N (assuming he can borrow Mick’s drysuit…and it fits!) will do Drysuit training in the pool with Hannah, Mandi and Will (again, assuming Will has a drysuit available to him). Don’t worry if you haven’t sorted a drysuit Will, we can always repeat the session later. Steve, could you please help out poolside to get the trainees comfortable in their drysuits.
Hopefully Paul T will be bringing in his rebreather this week. I’m assuming the same three people scheduled for last week will be available. That’s Tim, Nick and George. If any of you can’t make it please let me know so someone else can take the slot; we now have 7 people wanting to have a go.
The way things have panned out it’s going to be quite busy in the pool so everyone please be aware and use the space sensibly. Thanks.