Hi all,
A fairly quiet week, not many in the pool so plenty of opportunity for people to practice skills in preparation for the coming season. The kit night theme is hoods, masks and gloves so there should be plenty around for those who are soon to go in to open water to practice skills like mask clearing with hoods and gloves on…you feel a bit stupid doing this in the pool but it stands you in good stead for when the time comes to do it in cold water!
We have one try-dive, Adrian Depledge, Tim will look after that.
Cameron needs to complete his drysuit training in the pool. Even though he’s done all the theory with paul T, I’m not sure if Paul is available so please could Chris N come prepared to do this with Cameron.
Dave P will be doing OS1 with Jo in the pool. Perhaps Steve Danby would like to shadow. (This is a repeat because it didn’t quite happen last week).
Dave C will continue pool work with Stan, I think they’re up to about OS3.
Chris B will again be battering Paul M with theory. OT5 I think.
If Paul T is available this week he will do a sports diver theory lesson, probably ST3 for all those who need it. (Please let me know Paul).
A qualified PADI diver called Tessa might turn up to check us out and ask for a pool assessment before she joins up. I’ll watch out for her.
Thanks to all our brill instructors. See y’all on Tuesday,