Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan 20th September

Waves Shape
Hi All,

Before I start, a reminder to all of you going to Capernwray and want kit
from the cage, please come between 8.30 and 9.00pm to collect (unless you
are also going in the pool). Also see the important message below.

A very quickly put together training plan so I hope it’s OK. I’m on holiday
so will not be there on Tuesday.
Here goes…

*In the pool:*

*Rob* will help Dave H with perfecting his drysuit skills

*Tim* will do a refresher with Ali

*Charles *will do OS2 with Steve

*David *will do OS3 with Louis and Ben

*Steve *will help Andy practicing skills with hood and gloves ready for the
open water training next Sunday.

If there are any others wanting to practice with hood and gloves please let
Adrian know directly so he can have kit ready for you his email address is
tractorshed@talktalk.net…there will be plenty of room in the pool so no
need to check with me.

*In the room:*

*Alexis* will do OT5 with Bryan

**A message for all those going to Capernwray next Sunday 25th, the M6 will
be closed southbound from J33 to J32 on that day. The homeward journey
will be affected…I think the best alternative route will be to use the
A65 via Skipton and Leeds…but if anyone’s got a better idea, please tell.
Also Trevor doesn’t want to go so I will need a lift. Does anyone have a
spare seat in their car for me? Happy to share fuel costs.

Have a good Tuesday,


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