Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training Plan 17th April 2018

Waves Shape

Hi all,

First of all I must apologise to all those people who sent me emails last Tuesday to whom I did not respond. Whilst on holiday I committed the heinous crime of letting my phone run out of battery and not charging it up ‘til the following day, by which time it was a bit too late to reply…oops!

Anyway, things seemed to go ok so no real harm done.

This week we have two try-dives, Joe Lacey and Chris Dolan. Both have confirmed so please would Chris N and Dave C look after these? (Mainly because most of the other instructors don’t want to get their kit wet as it’s already packed for Egypt!)

In addition, we possibly have three people attempting their Ocean Diver Theory test, that’s Henry, Debbie and Daniel. There will be plenty of instructors available to look after these, I’ll bring all the necessary paperwork.

It is also possible that one of our previous try-divers, Josh, may be along to sign up and start Ocean Diver. He has registered his interest but hasn’t confirmed yet when he will turn up.

Lastly a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Sonny Dewrow who passed his Sports Diver Theory test last week!….any more Sports Diver trainees wanting revision or theory exams…just let me know!


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