I was glad to hear that last week’s presentation was well received, I’m really sad I missed it!
We have two try-dives this week. David will look after Tony Ibbitson with Charles shadowing, Alex will look after Gary Lenthall.
Sammy will finish OT2 with Armya and then go in the pool working on OS2.
Chris S will work with Mackenzie preparing for a pool sign off.
Rob will do a general skills refresher with Tony J, again preparing for a pool sign off.
…and that’s it for the pool this week leaving plenty of space so I’m hoping our pool-signed-off Ocean Diver trainees …Henry, Autumn, Tom, Jess, Giannis…will take this opportunity to get in and practice their skills in preparation for doing them all again in open water next month. There are hoods and gloves in the cage for you to practice skills wearing these.
So to theory…
Ann will do OT4 with Babs, Paul, Ruby and Dylan with Richard shadowing.
Chris N will do OT6 with Mate and Dominic with Mark shadowing.
Tim will work with the SD trainees, Callum, Steve, Dave and Ken?. I think they still have the second half of ST4 to finish (from slide 12) and they might appreciate a quick recap of the first half as it’s a while since that was done.
See everyone on Tuesday, assuming I’ve shaken off this cold!