Hi all,
Not such a busy week since the two try-dives we had booked in cancelled…they’d changed their mind, there’s no accounting for some! Still, at least they let us know so this gives our newest assistant instructors opportunities to shadow the masters!!
And so to the plan…..
David will do a pool sign off with Dominik, Charles could shadow this?
Ann will work with Babs in the pool. OS4 I think.
Rob and Chris N will finish off the rescue skills in the pool with the Sports Diver trainees, Callum, Steve, Dave, Ken(?) and any other SD trainees who have it signed off but could do with refreshing…some aspects of these skills have been altered by BSAC so anyone still needing to do this in open water should get up to date with it….Cameron, George?
Alex will work with Armya on OT3 and Chris S will work with Rhys on OT2 . Both of these lessons are quite long so, if you can all get started promptly at 7.30 perhaps you’d like to do half the theory lesson and then progress to the pool to continue with OS3/4 (Armya) and OS2 (Rhys)? Please make sure that you’re heading for the pool by at least 8.15. If you let me know what you’ve done I’ll make sure you can finish the second half of the theory lesson next week if necessary.
Paul T will do OT6 with Paul, Ruby, Dylan, Mackenzie and Tony. Nigel and Sammy could shadow this with a view to one of you doing this lesson next week.
Alexis will work with Lee, our new PADI diver doing the Xover theory and more Xover pool work if necessary, Rob will advise.
Pam will do the Sports Diver theory test with Will B. I’ll bring all the papers, answer sheets etc. with me, Pam.
Both Henry and Giannis need practice in the pool…do we have a qualified diver willing to help these to practice skills with hood and gloves on in preparation for open water?
Prior warning…I will be doing the Ocean Diver theory test with Giannis, Jess, Mate, Dominik and Mackenzie next week. Are there any other OD trainees feeling ready to have a go?….Autumn, Tom?