Hi all,
Back from our lovely holiday in Bonaire and trying to get back into the swing of the training. I haven’t had much feedback from last week so the plan is a stab at where I think we’ll be! This week Barnsley FC are at home playing Birmingham so I don’t think it will be very busy but the EOs will still want everyone out of the pool by about 9.15 so that we can all get away before the football crowds come out. As usual, the first wave should aim to get to the cage promptly at 8.05pm and the second wave aim for 8.15pm.
First wave:
Charles with our try-diver Grant Riches
Richard with Dylan Sefton (OS1)
Suze with Janine Sefton (OS1)
Chris S with Mark Sefton (OS1)
Second Wave:
David P continuing with Alfie Guest (OS2)
Mark with Phil Gibson and Stephen Bradshaw (OS2/3)
Sammy with Colleen (OS5)
Please could EVERYONE bring in their QRBs and get skills ticked or signed off at the end of your lesson in case you’re not with the same instructor next week. Thanks.
…and in addition to all the pool work….
Trevor and Dean will be signing up Khia and then Dean will do OT0 and the swim test with her. There probably won’t be time for snorkelling.
Ann will do Ocean Diver theory revision with Tony, Martin and Will
Nigel will do ST5 with all the Sports Diver trainees, Mate, Dominik, Matt, Ellie and Henry.
We also have Nick Petherbridge visiting us who may be interested in starting the OD course. Dave, Colleen, Martin, Tony please make him welcome and tell him about the club. Thanks.
A bit of a heads up, the first Open Water training sessions will be on 28th or 29th March for DL trainees, and 4th or 5th April for SD trainees (and possibly more experienced OD trainees). Also, the Easter Egg hunt at 8 Acre Lake will be happening on 18th April. Obviously the water will be a bit chilly for these sessions so early in the season so drysuits will probably be in order. If you need drysuit training in preparation for these dates please let me know asap. I will probably start it on Feb 25th. The first Open Water sessions for new Ocean Diver trainees will be the 2nd and/or 3rd May when it will hopefully be ok to dive in a 7mm wetsuit (or 2 layers of 5mm) .