Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan 11th December

Waves Shape

Hi all,

Well this will be my last training plan until the new year. Remember it’s the Christmas meal next week (18th) so there will be no training or diving then. With Christmas and New Year’s Day both falling on a Tuesday our first club night in January will be the 8th January. However, back to this week.

Chris will look after Dominik Szucs who is coming back for a second try-dive hoping that his ears will let him get to the bottom of the pool this time.

Tim will continue with Jess and Giannis in the pool.

Paul R will continue with Autumn and Tom.

David will work with Mackenzie in the pool,

Ann will do ST5 with George, Ken, Will and any other SD trainee who wants to refresh it.

Henry is coming along to refresh his skills, Adrian P has offered to watch how he gets on.

And that’s all for 2018 folks! With a lot of people off doing Christmassy things it’ll be a quiet night at club but I’m looking forward to seeing (almost) everyone at the meal next week.

Happy Christmas to anyone I don’t get to see.


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