9 club members and 1 mum attended the PRM course last Saturday at blue Lagoon.
It was a crisp morning with a hint of ice on the water, just perfect for spending a couple of hours in the portacabin for the first theory sessions. Coffee and bacon butties followed and then we all kitted up ready for the practical elements of the course. It was now a perfect day, dry cool and sunny. Rope throwing was the first task to be tried, it was good fun and we all learnt the technique. Then followed the different methods of lifting a casualty from the water and then we moved onto the rescue scenarios, each one harder than the previous one with constant interference from the paparazzi and at one point a mad man ( no names) appeared on the scene shouting and throwing items at the rescuers. Finally back to the classroom for the final theory sessions. All participants enjoyed it and three members were successful in progressing their Dive Leader qualification.
Great thanks goes to Mark Robinson for setting up and running the course. If there is sufficient interest/demand he has offered to run the course again later in the year so if you fancy an interesting day out and want to practice some skills then tell Mark or Linda