Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Tuesday 20th June training plan

Waves Shape

Hello All,

Please note we are running the Nitrox this week, its open to all, but would appreciate a nod if you are planning on attending.

*As always, if you cannot attend please let me know, as there are others that could have your place*


*Instructors Absent/ not available*

Tim Gledhill
Dave Corbett
Steve Dearman
Charles Austin
Gemma Kitchen
Alexis Moreno
Paul Tarn
Pam Tarn
Clare Pettinger


Chris Newsam = Jake Taylor = TryDive
David Patchett = George Dyson = OS4/OS5
Nigel Kaye – Joel Crossland & Bev Parr = OS2
Dean Netherwood = Tom Markey & Jacob J = OSO Snorkelling Sign Off

*Class Room*

Ann Bailey = Tom Markey & Jacob J = Sign Up
Ann Bailey = Nitox Workshop Open for all to attend
Sammy Norton Alex Wardle OT4

*Pool training*

Gemma & farther
Steve Dearman, Wife & daughter
Steve Taylor

20th June

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