Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Training plan for Tuesday 30th April

Waves Shape

Hi All

First of all something new. Tuesday will see the first of what we are panning to be regular (twice monthly) talks and courses organised by Sammie aimed at those who have completed their qualification and are looking at places to go or to further their dive experience and education. So to start us off our very own Deborah Beckley will be giving us a presentation on her recent trip to Sharm el Sheikh and her experiences on the reefs around there. This I am told is Deborah’s first presentation so if as many of you as can support her efforts it would be great.
On with the training plan and it is a quiet one this week.
In the pool
Seth Newsam- Pool refresher                                   Chris Newsam
In the room
Allison Russell – ST1                                                Tim Gledhill
Aaron Strong – OT2                                                  David Corbett
William Ward – OT6   Gemma Kitchen
Scott Brewster
Bryan Rutter
Eugenijus Braknys – ST6  David Patchett
As you will notice this leaves a lot of room in the pool for those who are pool signed off to practice and I encourage all those that will be soon going to open water to practice. I know I keep going on about this but it will really make the difference when you get to Capernwray. So if you want a place please let me know
As some of the club’s regs are currently away for service this means that there will be a maximum of 8 reg sets available for hire so it is going to be first come first served. If you have your own regs then this does not apply, there are plenty of cylinders and other equipment to hire.
As normal please let me know if you can’t make it.
Have a great weekend and I’ll see you all on Tuesday
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