Another week comes around with lots of training this week. As always if you can’t attend for any reason please let me know ASAP
Amy Sanderson
Jacob Broomfield
Eugenics Braknys ST5 Dave Corbett
Martin Higgins
Issac Hale
James Barker
Charlie Barker. OT6. Ann Bailey
Aaron Strong
William Ward. OT1. Steve Dearman
Bryan Rutter
Scott Brewster. ST4/2. Nigel Kaye
Rich Moore Try Dive. Sammy Norton
Jarvis Critchley Try Dive. Charles Austin
Donna Nixon Complete OS3 and start OS4 if possible David Patchett
Andy Walton
Mick McPhearson. SS1 Chris Newsam
Flis Sanderson Skills review Tim Gledhill
Paul Hatchman
Anton Johnson. OS5 Paul Tarn
This leaves a couple of places in the pool for those who are pool signed off wanting to practice. Please contact me if would like a place.
See you on Tuesday