Hi all,
So, the 13th December will be the last training session of 2022. Hasn’t the year flown by?!
I hope everything went well last week, I haven’t heard anything to the contrary. Next week (20th) we are going to have a social in the normal clubroom from 7.30pm as usual. We have booked a buffet and the bar will be open so we can have a relaxed evening getting to know each other better in preparation for the new year’s diving season. I’m putting together a quiz or two. I’m hoping some others will come up with some silliness but most importantly we will be presenting the club awards.
For those new to the club we give two awards at the end of each year. The first is the ‘Diver of the Year’ awarded by the Diving Officer to the person he thinks has dived particularly well over the year and/or has made the most progress with their diving. The second award is the ‘Clubman (Clubperson?) of the Year’. This is awarded by YOU the membership.* Between now and Monday 19th December please email Linda (lmxx.13@gmail.com) with YOUR vote* for the person who YOU think has contributed most to the club and especially to YOUR enjoyment of the club. Please, EVERYONE, think back over the year (or the time you’ve been in the club) and make your vote! For even the newest members there must be someone who sticks out in your mind as a good club member. On that MondayLinda will add up the votes and the award will go to the person with the most.
Also, on the 20th the pool could be available for anyone who would rather socialise by having fun in the pool. We’re thinking particularly of the younger members here and the young at heart, of course. However, we will only open the cage and make the pool available if there is sufficient interest. *If you would like to go in the pool and play with the pool games on the 20th please also let Linda know* (you can combine it with your vote.)
Finally, just to remind you, there will be no club meeting on the 27th December, we return on the 3rd January. And so to the plan for this Tuesday…
*In the pool :*
*Chris and Charles * will look after our try-divers Andy Clay and Partner. (Gemma may like to shadow?)
*Tim * will do a pool skills review with Steve T …they will need a ‘casualty’….Bryan?
*David * will do OS4 with James assisted by Louis for practice
*In the room:*
*Steve D * will do OT5 with Dan and anyone else who would like to revise this lesson
*Alexis * will do ST5 which is also AODT4 for our Sports Diver and Advanced Ocean Diver trainees. I suggest, as we have plenty of time, that this lesson is divided into two sessions so just do up to slide 10 this week concentrating on the sums!!
I will be available to sign up Gemma officially, we can do that in the first half hour. See y’all on Tuesday,