Hi all,
I am planning to factor in rescue skills lessons for our sports diver trainees which require, by their very nature, trainees to get a bit up close and personal. In view of Omicron, this is probably not a good idea without precautions. I therefore put this problem to the committee at a recent meeting which included our Chairperson, Suze, who is a medic. Taking her advice, we decided to err on the even more cautious side and ask all members who are coming in for theory lessons in the room and especially all SD trainees coming in to do rescue skills in the room or the pool,* to do a Lateral Flow Test before coming in.* At the moment LFTs are still free of charge (although this may change in a few weeks) and available from pharmacies but you need to order in advance and take a reference code to the pharmacy. To do this go to www.gov.uk/get-collect-code.
Also, as Linda said in a previous email, we would like everyone who comes to the AGM on the 18th Jan to do a LFT too. We always hope to see lots of members there but we will carry it out as socially distanced as possible.
So, to this week’s plan:
*Tim* will do a try-dive with Dominic Walstow
*Charles* will do a try-dive with Dominic’s partner.
*Alexis* will work with Mick in the pool (OS2-3 I think)
*Nigel *will work with Dane in the pool (also OS2-3)
*Chris *will work with Karl in the pool (OS4)
*David *will do OS4 with Rhiana
*Sammy *will be available to help Joanne and or Baher (or anyone else) with skills practice
*SteveB *will do OT5 with Wayne, Eva, Zara and Will
*Rob *will to ST2 (rescue skills) with Humphrey, Ryan H and any other SD trainees who still need this lesson.
See you Tuesday,