Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Open Water Training – Capernwray – 22-23 April

Waves Shape

Hi Divers – the club is running an Open Water weekend at Capernwray on Sat 22nd and Sun 23rd April.

** Please email me to confirm which day(s) you are attending!! ** rob@acasta.co.uk

Please aim to be in the car park for 9am (head right after the booth and park near to the hedge on the right hand side).

For those hiring equipment, please check in with me first, then head straight for the equipment cabin to collect any kit. Please make sure you have a full cylinder for the first dive.

It would be helpful if you could each complete a copy of the Emergency contact form & hand it to me on the day. Handwritten is fine.

If you have any questions before the dates then don’t hesitate to contact me.



BSAC Trip Plan Capernwray

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