Hi all,
Yet another very busy week especially since EVERYONE’s in the pool!!
We have two try-dives, Steve and Tanya, Nigel and Alex will look after
David will do a pool sign off with Dylan and Ruby.
Chris Newsam will do a pool skills review with Dominik and Tony. Alexis could shadow this.
Rob will do an assessment with our newest member Lee.
Paul T will be doing drysuit training in the pool with Mate.
Chris S will do OS1 with Rhys.
Mark S will continue with Paul…probably OS5?Dave K will work in the pool with Armya…OS2 or 3 I think.
Ann will work with Babs.
We are scheduled to do some more open water training next weekend 11th and
12th May. I haven’t had much response from trainees so it has been devided to just train on Saturday at 8 Acre Lake. The water temperature is around 11oC in 8Acre so anyone drysuit trained will be fine and with a thick (7mm at
least) wetsuit the hardy ones amongst you will also be ok, especially if the
weather is warm. Please let me and Rob know if you want to join in to train, (we know about you Mate) support the training or just pleasure dive as soon as possible so we can put together a plan. Thanks.