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Wave Shape

Farewell to MarkR

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IMG_20140603_194654After some eight years of unswerving and dedicated support to Barnsley BSAC Divers, Tuesday night saw the sad farewell of Instructor and BSAC Advanced Diver Mark Robinson .  Mark epitomises club diving – always there to help, support and advise – unselfishly giving up his time to go that extra mile.  He will be genuinely missed by the club!

All of the club divers will have their own special memories of Mark – and those who have ever shared bunks with him may have memories they might wish to forget!  As the late Mr Rushton used to say “Mark – al bloody kill thi…“!  Levitating beds, Cling-film, Talcum Powder, Toy Puffins, ‘smuggling’ divers over the Scottish border, strange cooking experiments – the list is endless.  Whatever the occasion, Mark always ensured that dive trips were unforgettable.

Thanks for all your help and support Mark – and please do drop in to see us from time to time!  And go easy on that Saxophone…

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