Please find below important information for the Bowling event on Tuesday 5 December.
It’s been a fantastic turn out. So should be a super evening !
Please wear trainers. Then you won’t need to change into bowling shoes.
Suggest we all wear our finest Christmas jumpers/ t-shirts/hats/ fancy dress.
The Metrodome staff will organise people into teams.
Total people attending for bowling 40 some for 1 game some for 2. An additioanl 3 peopel no bowling
6.30pm – arrive and team formation
7.00pm – first bowling game
8.00pm – buffet
8.30pm – second bowling game
Bar open from 7pm
I am hosting, not bowling. So any issues please give me a wave and I’ll do my best to sort it out.
Thank you all for your support. I’m looking forward to having a really fun evening !