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Club AGM 19th January 2016

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Please note (and put in your diary in large letters) that the club AGM will be held on Tuesday January 19th starting at 7.45pm prompt. It would help if you have any items of AOB that you let me know in advance.

Agenda is as follows:

  1. Chairman’s Welcome
  2. Apologies for Absence
  3. Minutes of AGM held on 20 January 2015
  4. Matters arising from the minutes
  5. Reports:
    • Chairman
    • Diving Officer
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • Training Officer
    • Equipment Officer
    • Welfare Officer
  6. Election of Officers:
    • Chairman
    • Diving Officer
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • Equipment Officer(s)
    • Training Officer
    • Welfare Officer
    • Social Secretary
  7. Expenditure plans 2016
  8. Dive trip plan for 2016
  9. Ideas for 1st Tuesday presentations
  10. Any other business
  11. Committee and Members awards

If you would like to nominate someone (with their agreement, of course) or be nominated yourself for any of the official club roles please let someone on the committee know asap. New blood is always good on an organising team.

For those new to the club, the last item on the agenda refers to our club awards of which there are two. Diver of the Year is awarded by the diving officer to the person he thinks has made the most progress with their diving throughout the year. Club Member of the Year is arrived at by asking all members to vote for the person they think has contributed most to the club throughout the year. The vote can be done in secret using the voting slips I will be providing at club tonight and next Tuesday or, if you really cannot get to club you can vote to me abailey1502@btinternet.com by email, preferably by Friday 15th Jan at the very latest.(Votes won’t count after that).

Please make every effort to attend the AGM. All members are welcome and the committee needs your input.

Happy New Diving Year!


Club Secretary

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