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Wave Shape

AGM 17th January 2017

Waves Shape

Hi All,

The news about the training plan for the forthcoming Tuesday is that there is no training plan! This is because we are holding the club’s AGM, which ALL MEMBERS, brand new or old hands, are invited to attend. Apart from us electing the new committee for the forthcoming year, Rob will be presenting the results of the member survey that we carried out just before Christmas. This is your opportunity to hear what others are saying about the club and to express your opinions about its future. Please come along and be involved with the running of YOUR club.

Also, please remember that there are committee roles that will need to be filled. To remind you, these are Chairperson, Media and Comms Officer and Welfare Officer. None of these offices require diving expertise just an interest in helping to run the club. If you feel that you’d like to be more involved, then just let Paul (outgoing Chairperson) or myself know at the beginning of the evening.

At the end of the AGM our club trophies will be awarded. There are two, the’ Diver of the Year’ which is awarded by our Diving Officer usually to the diver or trainee he feels has made the best progress throughout the year. The second is the ‘Club Member of the Year’ which is awarded to the person who the whole membership feel has done the most for the club throughout the year. Every member has a vote which can be cast either on paper into the ballot box at club (voting finishes at the start of the AGM) or can be cast by email to Trevor by 6pm on Tuesday (email tjbailey@btinternet.com).

After the meeting the pool will be available as usual so please take the opportunity, whilst it’s not stuffed with trainees or try-divers, to get in there, get wet and practice your skills in preparation for the coming season.


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